Monday, 16 November 2009 many thoughts kept moving in and out of the conscious sphere of mind that I decided it is better said than the blog....

i am genuinely surprised at my sudden desire to speak the language of friends will tell u, i usually use words in any random order to express a thought, except if it is scientific in nature...which brings me to the fact that I am a scientist by profession...

been thinking - after 34years of living, it still seems to be only a couple of pages of the book. still wondering what is the real agenda behind it... hopefully might understand a bit better by sharing....

new to blogging , wondering how is it done? why do people read it ? is it just venting out by today's humans, who more or less have given up writing to typing? why does everyone suddenly blog? is a creation of new community, almost open source for community building....whatever it may be, it seems like a good place for be oneself and get true unbiased opinions from others..

so have sort of decided the course for this blog ....though might deviate under the legal clause of poetic licence ;)

photograph-lady by the lake, by me, Vienna, Austria


  1. And then God said...Let there be blogging...This has been misrepresented as "Let there be LIGHT", very often...It means the same thing...Nice to hear from a soul, thankfully, not subject to gravity...

  2. In my opinion people generally consider writing blog as a tool of expression for their ideas hidden in the innermost core of mind. A blog can act as a channel for communicating with people with similar or contrast thinking caps.Am sure you can connect with different superbrains through this wonderful tool........
